Say goodbye to '22.
We loved you for a while, but now we are through!
We are over you.

During this past year, Hancock County Arts has accomplished some goals:
recreated our website,
expanded our OPEN times to include Thursdays,
welcomed the most talented, exhibiting 135 artworks during our Will Vawter Exhibit, in June,
welcomed the Indiana Members of the Portrait Society of America,
printed Volume III of our I Love Hancock County coloring book,
developed the Thursday afternoon Still Life @ 1-4,
developed the Tuesday morning Painting Studio @ 9-12,
developed monthly Fiber Studio,
now emailing monthly Hancock County Arts news to over 1100,
added poetry to our newsletter,
have valued support of over125 families and members.
The New Year arrives, it means a new beginning.
We get to try it again, learn from last year and take steps forward.
Goals are important yet make them manageable!
Here's a link to 10 simple goals for artists.
your support is so very important.
Time to join Hancock County Arts or renew your membership for 2023.
Thank you for every area of support you can give.
click below.
New Exhibit
The Shape of Things to Come

by Arijit Bhowmik
January Call Out for ARTISTS
January 5th and 6th Intake, 3pm – 6pm
Open to all members and non-members, limit of 2.
No size restriction.
Prizes awarded at Second Friday Reception, January 13th, 6:30.
Ready to hang, no sawtooth, labeled with title and price.
30% commission to HCA.
Email your intent to enter at
Geometric art is the artwork of a non-representative nature that uses straight and curved lines and color to form shapes, patterns, and designs with more complex mathematical features and relationships.
Because geometric art lacks verbal messages, it must be determined by the viewer based on his own subjectivity.
It is designed and created with lines, circles, squares, and rectangles perfect or not, mostly in primary colors.
Geometric art design comes in various types, sizes, and shapes.
Geometric art had a cult following in the early Greek period of 900 BC, as evident by concentric circles and other shapes on their vases and paintings.
See you then!
Upcoming Events
February, 2023, will bring the Junior High and High School Artists to the gallery
You will be amazed at the talent. Come in, meet the artists during the Second Friday Reception, February 10, 2023, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm. See you there.
Member Highlight – January 2023
Joyce and Ken Benbow
Hancock County Arts would like to introduce or reintroduce you to Ken and Joyce Benbow. Joyce enjoys creating assemblages, collages, mixed media drawings and paintings, and making jewelry. Ken creates assemblage sculptures, and excels in fantasy-based animals, chairs, footstools and various other objects. Both enjoy exploring the Steampunk genre. They are not the only artists in the family, both children are immersed in creative endeavors. Son, Cary, is a writer and widely exhibited photographer. Daughter, Kyle, is a middle school art educator, and considers herself a "jack-of-all-trades' as far as her preferred artistic medium. The Benbows' legacy of art is extending into another generation. Their oldest granddaughter recently graduated from Bowling Green University with a degree in graphic design.
Ken Benbow is a retired package designer. He attended Ball State State Teachers College, majoring in Industrial Arts, with a minor in art. Joyce is a retired High School art educator. She graduated from Western College for Women with a B.A. in Art History. She also has a master's degree from Ball State University in Art.
Together, the Benbows enjoy dealing in antiques and uniques under the name "Sam and Izzy". They both enjoy restoring, upcycling, and repurposing curbside finds into furniture and decor items. In addition to their artistic pastimes, the Benbows own and have restored two historic homes, one in Greenfield and one in Vevay. Joyce serves as collections chair of the Riley Old Home Society in Greenfield. She enjoys collecting almost anything "vintage". They both enjoy blues, jazz and old-time rock and roll, and Ken plays guitar. When asked what inspires them to create, both Benbows mention seeing boxes of junk! Old, distressed wood, rusted metal pieces of formerly functioning objects, old photos, graphic ephemera, almost anything can get the juices flowing!
They belong to the Community Art Center of Switzerland County as well as Hancock County Arts. They are a tremendous addition to arts and culture in Hancock County.
Classes, Workshops, and Open studios
Open Studios:
Tuesdays 9am-noon
Thursdays 1-4pm Still Life or Plein-air
Postponed Fiber Projects and Handwork Projects
Figure Drawing Evening Coming Soon
Writing Classes Coming in the Spring
A "Pause for Words"
Winter in Two Acts
Young and carefree, I used to love winters,
cheered on snowfalls, the heavier the better –
especially near Christmas, or to have a snow day
home from school, or two, and if lucky, three.
Older and stressed, I wish winters away.
I loathe forecasts of heavy snow, skifts, or squalls,
because driving on slippery roads, especially black ice,
can cause my car to become an unintended sleigh.
Lylanne Musselman is an award-winning poet and visual artist, who lives with her cats and creates in Eaton, IN. She is a member of Hancock County Arts, and currently is president of Muncie Artists Guild. Check out her website: Lylanne Musselman – Artist – Poet – Playwright (
Call Out
March 2023, At the Gallery
Where the Wild Things Are - Animal Wildlife Exhibit
Intake - March 2 & 3, 3pm – 6pm
Second Friday Reception March 10 - 6:30 to 8:30 PM
April 2023, At the Gallery
In the Looking Glass
Intake – March 30 & 31, 3pm – 6pm
Second Friday Reception April 14 - 6:30 to 8:30 pm
May 2023, At the Gallery
Count Me In - 2D and 3D Exhibit Anything with Numbers
Intake - May 1 & 2, 3pm – 6pm
Second Friday Reception May 12 – 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Just a Note!
Evan Beaty and Joanie Fitzwater, from the City of Greenfield, are currently investigating the process with the IN Arts Commission to understand the criteria for creating an IN Arts District. They will work with the community to initiate an Arts District asset assessment and establish our "Art and Cultural Identity" in the first quarter of 2023. They envision this meeting to include the Arts Council, Greenfield Main Street, Greenfield Parks Dept., local artists and local business owners who are involved with art and entertainment, and anyone and everyone who cares to be involved in this process.
Hey, Artists, be sure we have your website on our website. Send a bio, telling us your medium. We have visitors asking about commissions. We are posting some members artwork for sale, also. Send your information to
Our member Crimped Crust has a new site now. (20+) Crimped Crust | Facebook
Let us know your updates, we will add it here.
Thank you.
Happy New Year!
Our Mission
Hancock County Arts will
provide leadership for the creative community by encouraging, celebrating, and promoting arts and culture
throughout Hancock County. Open Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 11 till 2 Open for private showings, contact us. 20 N State Street Greenfield, IN 317.967.2461