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Ready to learn
Take those challenges and fly...

We wish you a fantastic
and successful school year ahead.
August Exhibit At The Gallery
Hancock County Arts and the Indiana members of
The Portrait Society of America
invited surrounding states' members
for this month's exhibit.
Portrait Society of America Regional Exhibit
Hancock County Arts with the Indiana Members of the Portrait Society of America have invited the Midwest Members of the Portrait Society of America. Surrounding states have been invited, with Portrait demonstrations on August 12th. The Second Friday Artist Reception on August 11th will join the annual Greenfield Chocolate Walk festivities by being a stop for the 300+ walkers. And the Art War participants will look for your vote.

Exhibit opens Aug 05, 11:00 AM and closes Aug 26, 2:00 PM Hancock County Arts Gallery, 20 W North St, Greenfield, IN 46140, USA
Community and Artist Reception Aug 11 - 6:30 to 8:30 PM
Portrait Event, Aug 12, "A Face for Radio" See Radio Personalities while they sit for their Portraits. Watch the artists processes as they develop the portraits.
Second Friday Reception August 11 – 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Entertainment provided by Joseph and E, The Duo.. See you there.
Any accommodations needed for accessibility, please contact us at or 317.967.2461, at least two weeks prior to any event.
A Face for Radio
August 12, at Bradley Hall
10 am - 3 pm
Registered Artists will have 4-5 hours to complete a portrait of our chosen Radio celebrities, Terri Stacy, Abdul-Hakim Shabazz, Kristi Lee and Julie Patterson.
As a fundraiser, for $5.00 the Public is welcome to watch the artists as their artwork progresses. Cash bar and light foods, if you want.
To narrate during the event, Mary Ann Davis, American Impressionist, whose works have been included in Plein Air Magazine, American Art Review, Pastel Journal and Southwest Art magazines and two Painting Indiana books and also David M. Seward, Impressionist, another award-winning artist, who paints in oils will give their narration, answer questions and provide insight to the activities.
This event is a take-off of the UKs Portrait Artist of the Year, PAOTY. That UK event is a Portrait Competition. Ours is an Open Portrait Invitation. See the UKs "somewhat" similar event on YouTube: See you there!
Upcoming Events

First Friday in Pendleton Gallery 119. A special unveiling at the August First Friday of a Mona Lisa replica, created by local artist Patrick Kluesner. Learn more about the history and mystery of the original Mona Lisa and have a chance to own this beautiful replica.
Patrick Kluesner, a longtime member and 2022 Best of Show winner worked through this past year on his reproduction of Mona Lisa. See it revealed at our partner's, Pendleton Artist Society, Gallery 119.

1st Saturday of each month, August 5 Wood Carvings, by Jim Webb, demonstration, stop in from 11 - 2 at our gallery.

ART WAR IS BACK!! August 11,
Looking for contestants to fill these slots:
Pick your favorite time now Enter by emailing us at - Subject Art War
5-6 pm
6-7 pm
7-8 pm
Chocolate prizes await the winners! Each hour there will be an artist winner!
Guests will stop by, cheer the artists on and drop their ballots in the ballot box on their way into the gallery.

2nd Saturday of each month, August 12, Crayon Coloring, by Diana Moore, demonstration, stop and join in from 11-2 at our gallery.
Classes, Workshops, and Open Studios
Open Studios:
Open Painting - Tuesdays 9am-noon
Still Life or Plein-air - First, 1pm-4pm
Costumed Figure Drawing - Thursdays, 6pm-9pm, $5.00 -for the model (if you are interested, please email us to add you to any notices)
Any accommodations needed for accessibility, please contact us at or 317.967.2461, at least two weeks prior to any visit.
Gallery Call Outs and Plein Air Paint Outs
Call Out - Due August 18, Art Association of Madison County, Click for info: Call For Artists – Anderson Museum of Art (
September At The Gallery
Pastel Art Highlight Show - This is an opportunity for us to bring awareness to the specialized art medium using pastels. This art is executed with fragile, finger size sticks called pastels. The powdered pigments create art that is truly glowing. If you’ve never tried using pastels, this is your time to try. This exhibit is free to enter.
October At The Gallery
Members Only Show Member’s talent will be on display through the Riley Days and through the month.Every medium is welcome. Also, the exhibit will include the Riley Festival Exhibitors. 30,000 people will view and have the first chance to purchase wonderful local art.You will find Pumpkin Carving and Pumpkin Walk Collaboration with Riley Boyhood Home and Gardens.
November At The Gallery
Gone But Not Forgotten - Scenes and Structure from the Past - This is an open show for all mediums of 2D and 3D art. This stirring exhibit will share the favorite artists’ memories of persons, places and things of the past. Awards will be presented at Second Friday Reception on November 10th.
Your Family Heirlooms - Patrons may commission paintings created with their heirlooms. Exhibit will continue through December 16th. You are invited to chat with the artists to help create an heirloom for your families.
A "Pause for Words"
Finding My Balance
It took me forever to learn to ride a bike.
To be fair, it wasn’t a small bike for a young girl,
it was a 26” blue Schwinn with training wheels.
When I rode up and down the sidewalk
in front of grandma’s house, my parents and grandparents would sit
on the front porch drinking iced tea and coax me:
Don’t depend on those training wheels to hold you up!
I feared falling.
That summer, Mom had seen me tilt enough.
She got behind me telling me to pedal, to hold steady.
I held my balance with her keeping me from falling.
While I was looking at lightning bugs, Mom had let go.
The applause from the porch almost wrecked me.
Lylanne Musselman is an award-winning poet and visual artist, who lives with her cats and creates in Eaton, IN. She is a member of Hancock County Arts, and currently is president of Muncie Artists Guild. She is the director of the Blackford County Arts Center. Her newest chapbook, Staring Dementia in the Face, is available from Finishing Line Press: Check out her website
Notes and Needs!
So many exciting things coming, Volunteers, check and join us.
Jr. Advisory Council created for 12 - 19 y/o, tell HCA where we need to go. Email us and let's set it up.
The group can organize exhibitions, art fairs, evening information events and other events to develop or showcase local artists' works or art from diverse cultures. By doing so, they would enhance the community's appreciation for art and help raise awareness about its significance, focus on supporting young and emerging artists by providing them with opportunities to exhibit their work. And they will provide the board with information and make recommendations to HCA board.
CHECK THIS OUT!!! Hancock County Arts facebook expanded to Hancock County Arts Community. You can post your artistic events, lessons, and share your needs in the art area!
Hancock County Arts has a YouTube Channel. Make us one of your favorites!
Needed: Visit , click on the search icon, it will take you to Search for a Sign Up and enter as the creating email. you will find us! And thank you in advance...
Needed: Time to update our gallery lighting. Light Bulbs to update our gallery to Day Light Bulbs.
Needed: Laser Copy Paper- Always
Needed: Starting a Monthly Art Lecture/Chat series. Can you help?
Needed: Crew of 3 to assemble shelving in the basement-may take an hour...
Thank you.
Our Mission
Hancock County Arts will
provide leadership for the creative community, by encouraging, celebrating, and promoting arts and culture
throughout Hancock County. Open Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 11 till 2 Open for private showings, contact us.
Any accommodations needed for accessibility, please contact us
at or 317.967.2461, at least two weeks prior to any event. 20 N State Street Greenfield, IN 317.967.2461