Hancock County Arts wishes
all students and teachers
a creatively successful year.

“If you think your teachers are tough,
wait ’til you get a boss.” — Bill Gates
Click on the titles below for more information.
AUGUST - at the Gallery
Our Beautiful "Open Summer Exhibit" ends Aug 3rd
Get ready to experience 25 Days of Arts
brought to you by
NineStar Connect and
Edwards and Pope Family Foundation
Community Foundation of Hancock County
August 10, 2024
The Ricks Center for the Arts
at 2:00 pm
with more like this...
celebrate 25 artists and art forms you see in Hancock County.
Preview the Arts on YouTube-Hancock County - 25 Days
Join us for Live Painting - All Welcome
Sign Up for One Hour - It's War!!!
Regional Portrait Society of America Exhibit

Hancock County Arts is a participant in the
Greenfield Area Chamber of Commerce
Chocolate Walk!!!
YUM! 8/9/24
Photo by Vecteezy See you then!
A "Pause for Words"
Plucking on Top of the World
I could be the keystone of the Arc de Triomphe;
wear the one ring that rules them all
I could be the ruling decision, another Marbury v. Madison
I could take my seat with the New World Order's cabal of the elites,
even make room for Jack on the door with Rose...
..if I could harness half the tenacity of this eyebrow hair.
Leah McNaughton Lederman is an author and champion of Midwestern creativity. She lives in Greenfield with her husband and an assortment of children, cats, and dogs.
DATES TO SAVE - Fill Your August, September and Beyond...
Classes, Workshops, and Open Studios
Open Painting - Tuesdays 9am-noon, Broadway Flats Studio, 210 S. Center Street
A Deeper Likeness - Kate Orr
Drawing with Sandy Hall
Writing class with Lylanne Musselman
Learn About How To Volunteer
Artist Call Outs
22ND Annual Zionsville Paint Out Competition, Sale
WHEN: Saturday, August 3, 2024.
WHERE: Artists must register and/or check-in between 7 am and 10 am at the SullivanMunce Cultural Center the day of the event. Adult and teens will have canvasses or multi-media supplies stamped/tagged before beginning their work. Youth (ages 7-11) will be provided a canvas and paint to paint on the SullivanMunce grounds. Teens (ages 12-17) may use the canvas provided or bring their own supplies. If using their own supplies, they must be stamped before painting. The Zionsville Paint Out will be held rain or shine. No advance registration required.
REGISTRATION FEE: Free for SullivanMunce Cultural Center members, IPAPA members, and children 17 years of age and under/$25 non-members.
Hancock County Arts Fall Open Exhibit
First Brush of Fall - Competition & Sale in Madison, Indiana
September 19-21 - Madison, IN
Third Annual Bloomington Paint Out
WHEN: Saturday, October 5, 2024. RAIN OR SHINE
WHERE: Woodlawn Pavilion in Bryan Park (Next to the swimming pool).
HOSTED BY: Arts Alliance of Greater Bloomington. Bloomington Watercolor Society, Upland Plein Air, The Portrait Group, and Artists for Climate Awareness assisted by the Bloomington Arts Commission and Psi Theta Iota are sponsoring our third annual Paint Bloomington!
NO REGISTRATION FEE: Free No advance registration required.
Hancock County Arts Volume IV Coloring book
Can you submit some artwork to be included? Our sponsors in the past have helped us create a wonderful product. Be a sponsor or Contribute your Artwork, contact hancockcountyarts@gmail.com
Such as this recording of a grant workshop
Would you do with $12,000 earmarked for personal or artistic renewal?Indy Arts Council’s Creative Renewal Arts Fellowship is just that– a chance for arts professionals to rest, energize, and take care. Fellowships can be used in myriad ways to support each person’s unique needs for renewal: like traveling, connecting with family, making space to create, taking care of the body, or slowing down. Here are some examples.
Applications are due August 4 at indyarts.grantplatform.com.
This opportunity is open to Hancock County and the artists and teachers.
Indiana Writer's Center - IWC: https://www.indianawriters.org/
By ArtistNetwork Color Triads That Make My Day. Join today.
Tourism Bureau
Register for the Tourism Partner Event Meeting and Workshop on July 31st at either 2:30 or 6:30 (pick One) at the H. J Ricks Centre for the Arts.
Hancock County Arts:
Dear Friends,
If you love our work then tell the world! You have an opportunity to help us make even more of a difference in our community. GreatNonprofits-a review site like TripAdvisor-is honoring highly reviewed nonprofits with their . Won't you help us raise visibility for our work by posting a review of your experience with us? All reviews will be visible to potential donors and volunteers. It's easy and only takes 3 minutes!
Go to https://greatnonprofits.org/org/hancock-county-arts-council-inc to get started!
Many Thanks to our volunteers and a few random needs
THANK YOU to all or our Sponsors, Joyner Homes, Edwards and Pope Family Foundation, NineStar Connection, GBC Banking, Community Foundation of Hancock County, City of Greenfield, Kappa Kappa Kappa.
THANK YOU to Andree's Floral Design in Greenfield, for their donation of corsages for the 25th Annual Will Vawter presentation. Couldn't have been better.
Volunteer Help Needed for Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, to continue to keep our gallery open.
Volunteer Orientation coming Saturday, August 24, at 12:00 p
Please visit www.SignUpGenius.com and enter hancockcountyarts@gmail.com as the creating email. Click Search Icon at the top right. Enter our email and click on Search again. Opportunities are shown.
Wanted: Laser Copy Paper- Always
Wanted: Crew of 3 to assemble heavy shelving in the basement-may take an hour.
Have you thought about...
P a r t o f t h e A r t s !
O u r M i s s i o n
Promoting and Celebrating
Hancock County Open Wednesdays and Thursdays and Saturdays 11 till 2
Any accommodations needed for accessibility, please contact us
at hancockcountyarts@gmail.com or 317.967.2461, at least one week prior to any visit.
hancockcountyarts@gmail.com www.hancockcountyarts.org 20 N State Street Greenfield, IN 317.967.2461